Get Involved!

We own it, and you can too!

An owner share of the Bay City Cooperative Market costs $200, which covers everyone in your household. Buying a share isn’t like paying membership dues; it’s a one-time payment, not an annual fee, that makes you a member of the co-op for life.
If you’re able, we encourage you to become a Founding Member by adding a $200 capital donation onto your $200 share — thus helping us grow more quickly.
Payments can be made by mail or on our website.


Become a member today!

Join Now

Help us grow!

Can you volunteer to help on a co-op committee?

Can you host a meeting of neighbors or friends?

Can you invite us to talk about the co-op to a group?

We aim to provide healthy food at a fair price, promote local and regional food production, keep capital and jobs in our region and provide an equitable and rewarding workplace.


312 Lafayette Ave Suite C
Bay City, MI 48708


Sign up to stay in touch with the Bay City Cooperative Market.